Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Interesting Announcement Getting Traffic in SEO Contest

Although mostly, there is really very little traffic in SEO contests, still, this particular traffic generation trend can be a good attraction especially if you know how to do that.

Recently, I joined the Tnomeralc Web Design Toys SEO contest but I do not believe that the ways of it is more centered to traffic generation but precisely just for links and linking.

I do not really approve so much about the rules but since it is not my own contest, I decided to let it be as long as I win it. Some of the best in the Philippines have joined here but I know that I have a big chance to get the top spot at the end of this Tnomeralc Web Design Toys challenge.

I will try my best to do it right this time and I hope everything I learned will work on this one. I'd like to wish the others good luck and may they win on this one.

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