Saturday, December 22, 2007

Marhgil Macuha - Problogger

Marhgil Macuha is a half time night shift problogger in the Philippines who just launched a mini contest with the keyword as his own name Marhgil Macuha, based also on his own personal blog tagged as

I have an entry that I am helping to kick off the SERPS by morning and see if the old tricks I know still works for the search engines. Let's just see what this will give for my blog entry labeled as Marhgil Macuha - Blogger and Internetpreneur.

This is actually just a little experiment and at the same time a fun contest I would like and am excited to see what will happen with the use of some old tricks in the book.

1 comment:

masterofthe said...

My entry is gaining the trust of Google as it turns from #13 to #5 today. Marhgil Macuha Contest

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