Saturday, December 22, 2007

Marhgil Macuha - Problogger

Marhgil Macuha is a half time night shift problogger in the Philippines who just launched a mini contest with the keyword as his own name Marhgil Macuha, based also on his own personal blog tagged as

I have an entry that I am helping to kick off the SERPS by morning and see if the old tricks I know still works for the search engines. Let's just see what this will give for my blog entry labeled as Marhgil Macuha - Blogger and Internetpreneur.

This is actually just a little experiment and at the same time a fun contest I would like and am excited to see what will happen with the use of some old tricks in the book.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Gunner's Gallery - A Traffic and Niche Marketing Blog

The Gunner's Gallery Principle and Pride

The Gunner's Gallery is all about traffic and hot niches and tips and guides regarding traffic and niche marketing and handling them properly. This includes all the possible maintenance factors that help you make the most accurate of your niche and traffic at all times without failure to deliver the right amount of needed visits and quality traffic.

Traffic Trends and Niche Marketing also believes that by posting all the links that I have been providing for clients from all over the world that I may be able to give back a return to their investment so they can makes sure that these links will always be there for them to enjoy in their websites.

This means more clients for me and more earnings in my job as a link builder and an offpage SEO professional. For those who are interested to get my services, here are a few clients that I have been doing offpage link building and have topped their respective industries with the help of my services

If you would like to add your niche and business and place your trust in my services, I'd be glad to accept the offer for optimized offpage link building and social media marketing.

Online Dating Philippines

Online Dating Philippines

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